Meadowview Tree Farm, Nursery, LLC
"Quality Plants, Locally Grown Since 1983"
The following fruit trees and shrubs are offered for sale in 2021

Bartlett Pear Tree
Pyrus communis
Fruit Tree
Zone: 5-7
Conservation practices: F
Description: A large, heavy-bearing pear variety with excelle quality. This has been considered one of the best varieties for canning. Bartlett accounts for about 75% of the pear production in the United States and Canada. A favorite for all uses. Bartlett is somewhat self-setting but does best planted with a cross pollinator. Ripens in late August. This is a partially self-fruitful variety and therefore it does not have to be planted with another variety to produce fruite, however it will produce more is pollinated by another variety. This tree is fast growing, with a 12'-20' height and 12'-20' spread.

Blakes Pride Pear Tree
Pyrus communis
Fruit Tree
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F
Description: A mid-season pear ripening one week after Bartlett. The fruit is medium in size with an attractive yellow color and excellent, aromatic flavor. Blake's Pride produces annual crops and has a high degree of resistance to fire blight. This pear tree produces viable pollen and will pollinate most other European pear varieties except for Seckel. This is a sweet and tasty pear that will be ready in September.

Seckel Pear Tree
Pyrus communis
Fruit Tree
Zone: 5-8
Conservation practices: F
Description: The Seckel pear is a super sweet dessert pear that is sometimes also called a sugar pear. The small brown fruit is great for cooking, canning and eating fresh. It ripens in mid-September and makes a great ornamental tree as well with white flowers mid-season. The trees likes full sun and well-drained to loamy soil. It is a vigorous and productive tree for those that want a good harvest every year and they are resistant to fireblight.

Clapp's Pear Tree
Pyrus communis
Fruit Tree
Zone: 5-6
Conservation practices: F
Description: The Clapps pear is a large to extra large sun-yellow pear with a red cheek, with a tree gorwing 20' tall and wide. It has a juicy, sweet texture that makes it great for eating and canning. The pears are ready to pick in late August. This tree originates from Massachusetts in 1860 and be aware that it is very susceptible to scab and fireblight. It enjoys full sun and well-drained, loamy soil

Honeycrisp Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 3-6
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: Root stock EMLA 7. The most widley planted, freestanding semi-dwarf rootstock. Trees exhibit an open spreading-type growth similar to peach trees in size. The trees are well-anchored, hardy and size fruit well in a dry season. EMLA 7 has a tendency to root-sucker. The fruit is mostly orange-red with a yellow background. Flavor sweet-tart, crisp, juicy flavor. Matures 10 days before Red Delicious. Outstanding winter hardiness makes excellent potential for northern growing regions. Moderately resistant to apple scab. Non-viorous & late blooming. Harvest early Sept.
Liberty Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 4-7
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: A low-mainence tree that produces a large amount of apples that you will be able to pick in September. A sweet to tart tasting, crisp apple that is perfect for fresh eating, cooking and canning. that has yellow-green background with red over top. This apple does require a pollinator and does best in full sun.
Cortland Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 4-6
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: Cortland is a large ruby red apple that won't brown.With white flowers in mid-April, apples ripen in mid-September and is great for pies, making cider and eating. This self-pollinating is a great option because it is reliable and bears heavy crops each season. The apple is crisp, tart and sweetly perfumed. This is one of the first varieties of apples that was developed from the popular McIntosh apple. It does not require a pollinator and will grow between 16-24' tall.
McIntosh Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 4-6
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The McIntosh apple is a heavy producer that will give you apples in mid-September. The apples are medium to large, bright red with a little green or yellow and round. They have a mildly tart taste and they are great for apple sauce, making cider and baking. A number of other apple varieties have been derived from the McIntosh apple over the years. It will grow to about 25' tall and wide. While this tree does not require a pollinator, it will do bettwe with one.
Red Delicious Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The Red Delicious is the most popular apple in the U.S. With a medium-large red fruit that is mild, sweet and firm, this fruit is great for eating and used in dessert recipes. You will be able to pick the fruit in late September. This variety of apple is also great for storing for a longer period of time. The tree has a fast growth rate, but don't expect a large harvest every year from this tree. Red delicious tend to bear a large amount of fruit every other year, with less fruit during the years in between. You will need a pollintor for this variety.
Yellow Delicious Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 4-9
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The Yellow Delicious apple is a sweet, juicy and zesty apple that is great for pies and salad. It is a medium to large yellow fruit, as the name indicates. You will be able to pick the apples in late September and early October. Growing 20' tall and 18' wide, the tree should bear fruit in 2-5 years. This variety has a number of benefits including its ease of growth, dependability, large annual crops and the fact it is one of the few self-pollinating trees. It is also one of the most universal pollinators for other varieties.
Jonamac Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 3-8
Conservation practices: F
Description: Attractive, high quality McIntosh-type dessert apple that is medium in size, with 90% dark red color. The fruit is firm and crisp, the treeis medium sized, very productive and an annual bearer. It blooms early in the season and can pollinate all other early blooming apple varieties as well as varieties with mid-season bloom times.Some resistance to cedar apple rust. This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.
Northern Spy Apple Tree
Malus domestica
Fruit Tree
Zone: 3-7
Conservation practices: F
Description: An old time favorite variety for northern climates, that has been grown throughout New York, New England, Michigan and Pennsylvania for over 100 years. Northern Spy produces large, high quality fruit with excellent keeping quality. The tree is upright, very vigorous and winter hardy. Northern Spy is slow to begin bearing and dwarfing rootstocks are recommended. The white flesh is juicy, crisp and mildly sweet with a rich, aromatic sub-acidic flavor. This is a late blooming tree and will pollinate all other late-blooming varieties, it will also pollinate varieties blooming in the middle of the season.

Red Raspberry
Rubus latham
Zone: 4
Conservation practices: F,H,W,N
Decription: 3-5' Dark Green Foliage on an upright bush, producing bright berries. Bloom time late spring, fruit begins to ripen in mid summer. Full sun required.

Jewel Strawberry
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H, W, N
Decription: With an excellent flavor and delicious aroma, you can enjoy this large, juicy berry fresh or frozen. Self-pollintating and cold hardy, you will be able to pick strawberries in June. The plant prefers full sun and well-drained to average moisture soil. This variety is diesese resistant to leaf spot and scorch.

Rubus darrow
Zone: 5
Conservation practices: F, H, W, N
Description: This plant produces large black fruit that is firm, fleshy, and sweet. Blackberry will produce over a long period of time. It is a very hardy and heavy producer. The root systems of this plant have great soil holding capacity.

Deciduous Shrubs
Zone: 5
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Description: Jersey Blueberry is a vigorous erect bush with medium size, frim, sweet berry. Blue Crop Bluberry is an upright hardy and drought resistant bush. It has a large firm aromatic berry.

Concord Blue Grape
Vitis labrusca
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-8
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Description: This popular blue-black grape is great for eating, juice, jelly or jam. It grows to 15-20' with a fast growth rate. This type of grape does well in a range of soil types, but it must be well drained and full sun exposure. The fruite ripens in later summer to early fall.
Niagra White Grape
Vitis ''Niagra'
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F, H, N
Description: This popular green grape is great for eating, juice, jelly or wine. It grows to 15-20' with a medium growth rate. This type of grape does well in a range of soil types, but it must be well drained and full sun exposure. The fruite ripens in later summer to early fall.
Reliance Peach Tree
Prunus persica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: Reliance Peach trees are very hardy with a heavy crop production. The tree is great for cold climates and produces a medium-large fruit with a sweet, peachy flavor. This soft and juicy orange-red fruit ripens in early August and is great for canning. The tree will grow 12-20' tall and will bear pink flowers in early spring.
Red Haven Peach Tree
Prunus persica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: Easy to maintain and grow, the Red Haven Peach tree is fast growing, cold tolerant and drought tolerant. It is also disease resistant to leaf spot. With late-blooming pink flowers and a fast growth rate, this tree is a great option for fruit. The medium red-orange fruit is a great all-purpose peach that is great for snacking, canning and freezing. It has a sweet yellow flesh with a firm, creamy texture, and it almost fuzz free. This heavy bearing tree will product fruit you can enjoy year after year.
Sun Haven Peach Tree
Prunus persica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: Growing to a height of 15-30' tall and 15-30' wide. The large, round Sun Haven Peach is full of flavor and great for pies. This vigorous and productive tree produces bright red fruit with gold cheeks that has a firm, sweet flesh. This peach resists browning as an added bonus. Fruit production will begin in 2-4 years and you will be able to pick fruit starting in late-July.
Stanley Plum Tree
Prunus domestica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-7
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: If you love prunes, the Stanley Plum tree is the one to plant. The medium sized oval-shaped fruit has a blue skin and golden flesh. With a sweet, juicy taste, the fruit is great to eat fresh, dry or can. Your tree will grow to a height of 15-18' and will bear white flowers in May. The fruit ripens in early September and the tree should be pruned in early spring or summer during a dry day. This tree is a good bearer of large crops.
Santa Rosa Plum Tree
Prunus domestica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: A large red plum with a golden flesh, the Santa Rosa Plum is great eaten fresh, cooked or canned. The tree is adaptable to a variety of soil types and is vigorous and easy to grow. It will grow to a height of 15-25' tall and 10-20' wide. The sweet plums with a firm texture will ripen between mid-July to early August and will give you fruit in 3-6 years.
Shiro Plum Tree
Prunus domestica
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-9
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The Shiro plum is a medium yellow, sweet and juicy fruit that ripens in late July. The plums grow in clusters around the tree and they are good for eating, cooking, canning, preserves and desserts. Your tree will grow to a height of 12-15' and product white flowers in early spring. The tree bears reliably and is a heavy bearer of fruit year after year and is self-pollinating.
Bing Cherry Tree
Prunus avium
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The Bing Cherry tree is a very popular variety, that is also a top producer. You will get white flowers in early spring, from this medium growth rate tree. The tree will give you heart-shaped, firm fruit in mid-June. The very juicy and sweet cherry is a deep red color and great for fresh eating, preserving and baking. It likes full sun and will grow to a height of 35'.
Stella Cherry Tree
Prunus avium
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: A large, plump, deep-red cherry, the Stella Cherry is sweet, juicy and firm. It is a great cherry for fresh eating, canning, freezing and drying. The very productive tree will give you cherries in mid-June and is a great pollinator for other cherry tree varieties. Before the fruit arrives you will get pink flowers in early spring. The only pruning you will need to do, will be to maintain a good structure in the tree. This tree does best in full sun and well-drained to average moisture soil.
Black Tartarian Cherry Tree
Prunus avium
Fruit Plant
Zone: 5-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: A sweet cherry, the Black Tartarian Cherry is a large, purplish-black fruit with a sweet, rich, full body flavor. They are great for both fresh eating and preserving. The thick, tender, juicy cherries are ripe in mid-June. The tree will grow to a height of 30' with equal width. This productive tree is a good pollinator for other dark, sweet cherries as well and will require a pollinator iteself.
North Star Cherry Tree
Prunus cerasus
Fruit Plant
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: This tart cherry is great for juice, dessert and preserves. The North Star Cherry tree is a heavy producer that will give you large red, tart fruit with a medium-firm texture. It will grow to a height of 10-12' and a width of 8-12'. The tree is cold-hardy and disease resistant to brown rot and leaf spot. You will get white flowers in April and your cherries will be ready to pick in mid-June.
Snowdrift Crabapple
Malus 'Snowdrift'
Fruit Plant
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: H
Description: The Snowdrift Crabapple is hardy, compact and a very dependable tree. The tree is also deer and rabbit resistant. It produces a round orange-red fruit that is 3/8-1/2" diameter, that birds will really enjoy. The tree produces beautiful pink buds that become snowy white blooms in mid-spring. When the blooms come out in spring they will give you a subtle fragrance.
Robinson Crabapple
Malus 'Robinson'
Fruit Plant
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: A beautiful tree in the spring with bright pink blooms, the Robinson Crabapple is attractive and easy to grow. It will produce a small, red fruit that wildlife enjoys. The fruit can also be used in jellies. This tree is resistant to many disease and pests, and it will establish itself quickly in your landscaping. It is self-pollinating and will grow to a height of 15-20'.
Profusion Crabapple
Malus 'Profusion'
Fruit Plant
Zone: 4-8
Conservation practices: F, H
Description: The Profusion Crabapple is a beauty in the spring with dark pink to red blooms in the early to mid-spring. The beauty of the trees continues into other seasons with rich copper red leaves and a purple foliage that fades to bronze. It will be a stand out in your landscaping, year round. Growing to a height of 15-20' with a width of 15-25'. This crabapple tree is also extremely hardy, resisting disease and pests. The fruit you will get from this tree is good for both jellies and animals.